Friday, March 19, 2010

so the adventure begins

"Dad says to slow down," texted my mother. They don't like it when I make the Nashville-Pasadena drive in in way less time than they do, although I wasnt going too fast for most of it. Also, I think going a little over the speed limit is safer than getting and responding to texts while driving :)

The cop that pulled me over happened to agree with Dad. "Where are you headed in such a hurry?" (only 9 over) (I didnt mention how at the moment I was pulled over I happened to be singing Toby Keith to Eliz over the phone and actually, probably, was driving slower because of that.)

So my adventure begins in the middle of Virginia, to stay with my lovely sister Elizabeth and her husband on my way home:
Tea, cheese, flipsides, and fig pudding (I won't go until I get some), and in the morning it shall be homemade granola, 3 more hours of driving, then a wedding, and then doing my best to organize myself as much as possible by Wednesday!


  1. so glad I got to hear a little bit about your upcoming adventures yesterday! I wish you the best.

    Also, I absolutely adore the floating violinist image. Terrific!
