Friday, November 12, 2010

Life update.

So I havent written a good, honest post in a while, to let people know how I'm doing. Just pictures, mostly, and events, no thoughts really.

School is going fine. (for a real school update, see my other blog:

I have quit my bakery job. I wasnt getting enough hours, and even when I was getting enough hours, I was working harder than it was worth the money to do it. Even with the sudden end to meager, yet steady, money, it is still a load of stress off my back, more than I had even realized was there. Now I have time to work on violins. I have to say I really enjoy being able to do what I love for money. I realize how lucky I am.
I also realize that I am the sort of person who works best with deadlines. So I make them for myself. And to-do lists. I love to-do lists. Sometimes I put things on the list just to be able to check them off. (eat a piece of yummy chocolate. check! take out trash. check! win 500000000 dollars in the lottery. che- hmmmm..)

To-do lists are great for everyday life, but it's not as great for planning the future.
My future to-do list looks something like this:
     - Graduate MSCST.
     - Move back to Nashville.
     - Live Happily Ever After.

So, there are a lot of little sub-categories of those three things that keep changing on me (mostly just that third one), and it's a constant struggle to rearrange, re-adapt, rebeokwithhowthingsare.

In the meantime, I have recently bought myself a good winter coat and boots, so now I am prepared for the winter ahead, (snow in the forecast for tomorrow!) and a possible move to alaska in a few years.

Also, I'm looking forward to cooking my first Thanksgiving dinner in two weeks (any suggestions/recipe ideas?) and seeing my Love again (first time in three months).


  1. Green beans. Every Thanksgiving has to have them. You should try roasting them with chopped garlic and a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar. It's yummy.

  2. Don't make a whole turkey! Buy turkey breast. You'll have plenty.

    You're do cute and all grown up :)
    I miss you
