Sunday, March 27, 2011

meat-free week!

passed along from here.

I have named Sunday as Bread Day. Today's attempt: French Bread. (unrelated to Tasty Tuesdays) French bread is neat. But it requires fridgeration for a little bit, so instead of actually baking it int he middle of the night tonight, I'm just gonna bake it tomorrow when I get home from school. I'll let you know how it goes.

In other news, my latest endeavor is to go vegetarian for a week. It started as a dare to give up cheese for a week (something that almost pains me more than giving up meat), but then I started thinking about it and decided to give it a try. I love meat. A whole bunch. And I'm not sure how to live without it. Sooo... does anyone have any good meatless recipes? I need some help.


  1. minestrone soup!

    I'll be back after I'm done frying up our duck bacon :-) but I like the idea...

  2. cheese ravioli w/meatless marinara?

  3. here's a site with lots of recipes that taste like meat... but aren't meat!

  4. Jenna! How are you doing? Do you have a blog? I'd love to catch up with you sometime!

  5. I would likewise LOVE to catch up with you. I recently reminisced about our friendship when I was going through some old journals :)
    And I don't have a blog yet- but I'm working on it.
