Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tasty (Wednesday)

A continuation of last week's TT, StageTwo of the delicious limoncello recipe.
The second half of the process:

First, put on some good music.
Now we're set..

So, we left off with the lemon zest steeping in the everclear for a week:

Since we're about to add sugarwater to it, we need to pour it into a container that is bigger than the one we're in now. This is where I didn't plan very well - I thought I was being smart to just stick the zest straight into the bottle to steep. It was a good solution to last weeks problem, but this week, we have to pour the whole thing into the bigger container. And... soggy lemon zest doesnt come out of a bottle very easily.

So - if you're trying this at home, just go ahead and put it in the bigger container from the beginning.
After fighting the bottled zest by poking and scooping at it with a knife for a while, I was able to get most of it out, and into the larger container.
Now that your bottle is empty, you can use it to measure out a liter of water and heat it in a pot.

Remember that 2lb thing of sugar we had? Well, we needed 750g of it. How much is 750g? Let's do some math! 2 lbs of sugar is 907g.
So, 750g is 1.65lbs.
Now screw the math and just pour a little less than all of the box of sugar into the hot water, and dissolve it. When it is all dissolved, let it cool.

Once it is cool, combine the sugar water and zesty Everclear.

Let sit for 10 days and swirl each day.

Stay tuned for the 3rd step and the taste test in 10 days!